Quick blast to let you know about some fast approaching funding, learning and networking opportunities. Any specific questions about grant eligibility or program participation should be directed to contacts listed on the specific websites.
FUNDING - FedEx Small Business Grant Contest
Grand Prize is $50,000 - 2nd Place Prize is $30,000 – Ten(10) 3rd Place Prizes of $15,000
Entries close March 9, 2021. More information can be found here.
FUNDING FOR NEW CENTER - MBDA Business Center Program
Looking to launch a business center? The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is seeking proposals to open and operate an MBDA Business Center to provide technical and business development services to minority business enterprises.
The 5-year grant will expand the Agency’s national network. Learn more about the application process, eligible locations, and deadlines here. There is a pre-application conference scheduled March 1 and applications must be submitted by March 17, 2021.
LEARNING – Panel Discussion on COVID-19 and Women and Business
In honor of International Women’s Day, TransPerfect (full disclosure- this company is assisting Cornell in the translation of our online program into Spanish) is hosting a panel discussion on how Covid-19 has impacted Women professionally. The free panel – with some AMAZING women - is on March 8, 2021 from 11:00AM–12:00 PM EST.
Click here to sign up. When registering, put the name “John Akin” in the field asking “Which TransPerfect representative invited you to this event?*”
Panelists include:
Tarika Barrett, Ph.D. - Incoming CEO - Girls Who Code
Barbara Salami - Vice President - Moderna
Deepika Batra DiGiovine – Vice President - Dover Corporation
Teresa Rodó - Head of Global Healthcare Operations - Merck Group
Laura Madden - Vice President - TransPerfect
NETWORKING – SoGal Investor Panel
SoGal is an international organization that promotes the next generation of diverse founders and funders and works to close the diversity gap in entrepreneurship and venture capital.
The Washington, DC chapter of SoGal is hosting a free Investor Panel next week on Thursday March 4, 2021 from 5-6pm EST.
Panelists are from the Washington DC area and NYC. They include investors making investments in B2B software, food businesses, energy companies and real estate.
Register here.
NETWORKING – WIN (Women in Negotiation) Free Month of Membership
WIN’s mission is to empower women through negotiation. WIN offers year-round workshops, coaching, an annual summit, and an online membership and e-learning community.
WIN is offering participants in our Women's Entrepreneurship certificate program a free one-month membership to WIN Woman, an online membership platform that offers ongoing resources and training. Sign-up here with the code CORNELL (no strings attached!).
Special thanks to Kirsten Barker - Program Director for the Bank of America Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship at Cornell University.