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Success Coaching

Coaching program for individuals and groups.

30 min
Starting at $35
Location 1

Service Description

*Serving Individuals & Groups -- Enhancing clients' job satisfaction through the discovery of their Authentic Vocation: i. Career Discovery & Design Connect people with a deeper level of motivation than "just a job;" clients discover their passion and purpose to guide their decisions, empowering them to choose work they love, make a good living and still have a balanced life. This is a 4-Step process: intake session, life purpose, values and motivators & interest ii. Job Search Marketing Plan Improve clients' ability to market and sell themselves in the job market regardless of economic conditions by helping them to establish themselves as an asset and not a merely just another worker. This is a 6-Step Process: uncovering knowledge, skills and abilities; work experience; job/career target (2 parts), ideal work environment, “Business reality”, Authentic Vocation Profile & Job Search Plan iii. Career Transition and Entrepreneurs Program Increase individual potential for career growth and future earning power and assist clients in becoming "career self-reliant," taking control and ownership of their own career development. This is a 12-Step process: brand identity, job search tools, software, and tracking, branding yourself online, resume(s), company research and interview prep, interviewing prep, strategies to access unpublished opportunities (offline & online), using recruiters – and/or other published avenues, fielding offers, negotiating your package and setting your course for next steps in career management.

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